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BLK: Culture Awards

I partnered with BLK for their first annual Culture Awards. I created engaging and culturally relevant visuals for the categories and winners.

BLK: Halloween Campaign:

I partnered with BLK, creating the artwork for the top-voted best and worst Halloween costumes in the black community.

BLK: Father's Day Campaign:

I partnered with BLK, creating a series of digital Father's Day cards celebrating single fathers. 

BLK: Black love History Campaign:

I partnered with BLK, among many other talented artists, creating a social media campaign celebrating the history of black love. I Illustrated black love from 900 BC to the 1700s.

BLK: Cuffing Season Campaign:

I partnered with BLK, creating a social media campaign on navigating through the Cuffing Season during COVID.

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